Harald von Herget
I have been a lawyer since 1995 and worked for the prestigious Munich business law firm Bub & Partner in my first year of practice. Since then, residential property law has been one of my professional fields. In 1997 I moved to TLG Treuhand Liegenschaftsgesellschaft GmbH in Potsdam. Property law as well as contract management became my profession. Due to the internet boom, the demand for my legal services in domain name law increased. The latter developed into my special field and led to my specialisation in intellectual property law. I studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and obtained a doctorate in law at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. I successfully passed both my state examinations in Munich. I gained theory and practice in teaching by teaching students of communication sciences and business start-ups as well as in the training of legal trainees. I continued my education in marketing management, certified (2013) and project management. Finally, I continuously train as a specialist lawyer in intellectual property law. I publish regularly and refer to selected publications. I am a member of the panel of the Czech Arbitration Court for UDRP and ADR.eu in Prague, the GRUR German Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright, Bonn, the INTA International Trademark Association, New York, the Anwälte für Aufklärung e.V., Berlin and the German-Swiss Lawyers Association, Bonn. Furthermore, I am honorary chairman of the Hausner Foundation, Munich.
Fields of Activity
Trademark law
Design law
Domain name law
Copyright law
Contract law
Media law
Author of the reference book "Rundfunk&Grundgesetz - Die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung elektronischen Massenmedien auf den Rundfunkbegriff und die Folgen für die Rundfunkhoheit und Rundfunkordnung in Deutschland und Europa" (Dissertation) published by HERGET Verlag 2005 - ISBN 978-3-9810192-0-9
Article: "The right to file an application in competition law after the 1994 amendment to the UWG" in: WiB 2/1996, pp. 59 - 66
Essay: "Legal forms and contents of contracts in the online sector" in: DStR 33/1996, pp. 1288 - 1294
Essay: "From Bohemia to Today - Czech Foundation System", DIE STIFTUNG, February 2013
Regular publications in online magazines such as anwalt.de, Domain-Recht Newsletter and in magazines (IHK, Wirtschaftswoche, Epoch Times, etc.) on current legal developments
German | Mother tongue
English | Excellent knowledge
French | Basic knowledge
Harald von Herget
Dr. iur.
Specialist attorney for intellectual property rights (D)
Arbitrator for domain name disputes under UDRP and ADR.eu
Of Counsel (Self Employed)
Admitted as an EU/EFTA lawyer in Switzerland